Sometimes it is important to have a live audience for dance. Michael started performing again for the public in April, 2022, after having danced only for the videocamera during the first 2 years of the COVID pandemic. It was so good to get to dance with other human beings in shared space with kind audiences.
Performed improvised solo at Mogote beach, La Paz, BCS - March 31, 2024 about Mycelium, which engaged audience reading text aloud, singing and dancing with Michael.
Michael also joined the Mexica dancers from Los Cabos in dancing to open the festival.
...with Me Rindo Producciones (CDMX) and Calor Calor (La Paz, BCS) for their "La Subasta del Mov." sharing at the Black Box theater in La Paz in April 2023.
Michael danced with Marcia from Calor Calor (La Paz, BCS) for the inauguration of a new performance space: the Black Box theater in La Paz on December 3, 2022. (live muisc performed by Enrique Gorosave et al.)
The UNFIX NYC festival performed at a church on the Upper West side of Manhattan was an event to bring awareness to ecology via performance (dance, music, theater). We dancers, Cassie Roberts-Rossi, Laura V Ward, and I, rehearsed together via zoom to build the piece together. They met for the first time in person the evening of the performance on May 21, 2022. Video summary videoed and edited by Iram Arontes.
Abigail, a wonderful choreographer from MUSSE Danza Contemporánea, CDMX and Xalapa, Veracruz, came to La Paz for the Second Festival del Manglar, organized by Marcia Maria in April, 2022, to bring consciousness to the mangroves in La Paz via artistic interventions and dance. Iram Arontes videoed and edited this summary of the piece.
This was Michael's first live, in person choreography to be performed after two years of the COVID pandemic. He created a piece with the dancers, Lissania Saskia and Alejandro Yoshii, first on zoom (4 rehearsals) and then in person outside (4-5 rehearsals) at Rancho Yesod in La Paz. Perla (Wahida Gul) Salas-Cruz created the live musical score. Iram Arontes videoed and edited this summary of the 40 minute piece. Premiered on April 9, 2022.
Michael worked with choreographer Lisa Bruno (Barker) to create this dance video in a single take on zoom to be part of the Dancing at Home during COVID festival (online) sponsored by the National School of the Arts in Mexico City. May 2020
Getting ready to dance with Mia Habib in “…ALL -a physical poem of protest”at La Mama, NYC, May 2019