Sensory Awareness
Michael has been practicing Sensory Awareness for around 25 years, since studying with Charlotte Selver in Santa Barbara, CA from 1997-2002. As a leader of the work, he has offered classes in the US, Mexico, Germany and online via videoconference.
Michael co-leading a Sensory Awareness Leaders' Training class on Coronado Island, San Diego, CA with Denise Gabriel (August, 2023)
Michael da una introducción acerca de qué es la conciencia sensorial para él.
Walking is a great time to slow down and Sense as you are moving. Whether in the beautiful Untermyer Park (Yonkers, NY) or elsewhere, Sensing during walking can help you to really be there in the experience of the place.
Podemos integrar Sensing en muchas acciones, por ejemplo en caminar.
Michael co-edited this wonderful book on leading Sensory Awareness with Enric Bruguera and Pat Meyer-Peterson. We have 35 international leaders' voices and experiences represented in this volume which will be a resource for current and future leaders of the work. If you would like to purchase a digital or hard-copy, just let us know at
Testimonials: Sensory Awareness
Thank you Michael. I always wanted more freedom to explore. It was odd, because at first it was hard to accept, but then it was wonderful. - R.R .
Excellent instructions and structure= support = safety = possibility. Wonderful, surprising, rich and satisfying. - P.B., artist, AZ
Michael, you make me feel in a sacred place, led by your heart. - E.B., somatics instructor, Catalunya, Spain
Wonderful class - SH, somatics teacher, New York City
Thank you Michael! Wonderful experience - R.A.
There is something in your way of being that is (for me) associated with safety and comfort in the field. You are readily accessible to each of us. The work you offered was new and very beautifuI. I appreciate that you approach me so alive in different ways over the years. - F.K. psychotherapy instructor, Toronto
Everything was fresh, free and secure. - A.S. entrepreneur, CA
Me gusto la sencillez, y al mismo tiempo, la profundidad que experimente con tu facilitación en los ejercicios. Me sentí en confianza para seguir "sintiendo" no había amenaza sino un ambiente seguro para explorar. - B.B., business coach, Mexico City
Disfruté mucho la clase, gracias!! Algo que me llevé de la clase y que continuo explorando es el desarrollar la capacidad de recibir el soporte cada vez más profundo en mi cuerpo...hasta antes de tu clase no había pensado en eso como una opción, ahora cuando estoy sentada o acostada siempre me pregunto: puedo permitirme profundizar en este soporte? - D.S., somatics instructor, Mexico City
Tu clase para mi ha sido una referencia de claridad, naturalidad y amor. Me ha dado la oportunidad de saborear una especie de liberacion muy rica. Fantastico! - M.C., yoga teacher trainer, Madrid, Spain
Fue hermoso. Me encantó como me llevó a una paz y descanso, y reconocimiento de mi momento. Lo de las manos me acompañó, y ahi sigo - I.M.S.